橡子塑膠閥門組件| Raptor Supplies 台灣

ACORN ENGINEERING Plastic Valve Assembly

Acorn plastic valve assemblies are used in plumbing systems, chemical processing plants and other industrial applications to control the flow of liquids or gases. They play an important role in maintaining operational efficiency and safety across diverse settings, ensuring reliable fluid manage...ment while meeting industry standards.



Acorn 塑料閥門組件是監獄廁所閥門,設計用於將供水管線連接到廁所配件。 流量控制彎頭非常適合通過隔膜控制流量和改變供水方向。 它們非常適合與盥洗室和淋浴間的 Acorn Air-Trol 閥門配合使用。 這些閥門組件包括提供防漏操作的 O 形圈以及用於安全安裝的夾子和螺釘。 有多種塑料閥門組件可供選擇,可用於計量和非計量 H & C 裝置 Raptor Supplies.


  • They are designed for combination lavatory and toilet valves, lavatories and showers to ensure versatile and efficient plumbing applications.
  • These Acorn valve assemblies include nylon compression nuts and O-rings for enhanced durability and reliability.
  • They come with essential components, such as screws for convenience and efficient setup.
  • Selected models come with retainer clips and a valve mounting plate for convenient installation.


What safety precautions should I take when using these plastic valve assemblies?

  • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves or safety glasses, when handling plastic valve assemblies.
  • Turn off the water supply before installation to prevent accidental water flow and reduce the risk of flooding.
  • Release any pressure in the plumbing system before installing, repairing or replacing the plastic valve assembly.
  • Work in well-ventilated areas to avoid inhaling fumes from cleaning agents or adhesives used during maintenance.
  • Use tools safely and according to their intended purpose to prevent accidents or damage to the assembly.
  • Avoid over-tightening during assembly or adjustments to prevent damage to the plastic parts.
  • Take measures to prevent freezing if the assembly is exposed to cold temperatures, as freezing can lead to damage or malfunction.
  • Ensure all connections are securely tightened to prevent leaks and maintain the integrity of the plumbing system.
  • Periodically inspect the plastic valve assembly for signs of wear, corrosion or damage and address any issues promptly.


  • 定期檢查閥門組件是否有任何可見的碎片或磨損跡象。
  • 準備溫和的清潔劑溶液並使用軟刷或軟布清潔組件的外表面。
  • 避免使用刺激性化學物質或研磨性清潔劑,因為它們可能會損壞塑膠並損害組件的完整性。
  • 用清水沖洗閥門組件,移除任何殘留的清潔溶液並確保正常運作。
  • 檢查密封件和 O 形環是否磨損或損壞,必要時進行更換以防止洩漏。
  • 確保所有連接牢固可靠,以保持管道系統的完整性。
  • 定期檢查閥門組件周圍是否有洩漏,並及時解決任何問題。
  • 重新組裝或調整時,避免過度擰緊零件,以免損壞塑膠零件。
  • 如果適用,請保護閥門組件免受冰凍溫度的影響,以防止損壞塑膠零件。

What are the factors to consider while choosing these Acorn valve assemblies?

Major factors include application compatibility, size, included components, material durability, versatility, ease of installation, maintenance requirements, pressure and temperature ratings, industry standards compliance and compatibility with other components.

